Here comes the rain

We don't see a scene like this everyday!
Jackets were worn today, we managed half of our usual walk before the rains came down, it remained like this for the whole day, with promise of more rain tonight..
We went to the local shopping centre for a few bits, it was looking 'almost' like things were beginning to get back to normal, with a few more shops opening up in the centre. We are doing relatively well in the West, with 19 cases still in hospital and a continuation of no more outbreaks. Borders remain closed, they think it will be some time before West meets East, our regions too remain closed.

There are a few cases persisting in the Eastern states, a particular Nursing Home where a carer continued to work with mild symptoms, which has caused numerous outbreaks in there, and numerous deaths, poor people, poor families, heartbreaking to hear that on the news.

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