Paired socks

I am not a natural housekeeper. I have mentioned this before. I have been doing well this year though and I am on top of the washing which is all put away and tonight I have sorted the socks.

I have put all odd socks in a box in the bathroom and tonight have managed to pair up over twenty pairs. There are a lot of odd ones left but who cares.

I felt lousy this morning and cancelled work. I kept Sam off from the childminders and we both went back to bed at 10 and slept till half twelve. Then I sat and watched Black odd one to be honest.

Feeling a little better. It's all my sinuses they ache and ache. I have an Olbas inhaler. Ah bliss.

Just very kindly put a ringtone on hubby's iPhone. It involved upgrading iTunes and downloading another program. There was also a lot of swearing. I hate iTunes. He always has 'when the sun goes down' by Artic Monkeys.

We were once in a pub in Southport and there was a family on the other side who looked really similar to us and had three children of the same sex and of similar ages to ours. Then the dads phone went off and he had the same ringtone as DH. We thought it was really odd. A doppelgänger family.

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