Who needs a metal detector to find treasure
I'm still digging .... & all I find is rusty nails, & if I'm very lucky a piece of crazed china. It's still treasure, just not valuable. This was this mornings hoard on the allotment. No, I'm not aching surprisingly, so was able to do as planned,get my runner beans in the ground. The canes are already in place. Bit mizzly up there on the plot, but still good to be out in the open air. I moved the courgette plant .. I have a wire framework in place to train my Ushiki Kuri, & Patty Pan squash. Oh, I do love it when a plan comes together. Back home for a well deserved cooked breakfast. I love fried potato especially when it goes all brown & crunchy .. YUM!
Faffed in the green house, planted another batch of runner beans, the borlotti beans have'nt moved so dumped them. Planted tiny white bean seed ????? No idea what they are but fingers crossed they will perform. Another couple of pots with sweet peppers. :-) Pricked out Cosmos, & latest batch of tomatoes. I hope we have a good summer .. I'm imagining a row of canes with Roma tomatoes draping themselves around them, luxuriating in the glorious Mediterranean temperatures. Let's hope I don't let them down .. Anything surplus can go to the Community fridge.
Watched Primates on BBC4 last night, why is it that every time i see snub nosed monkeys I think of Michael Jackson.
Off to finish dinner .. roast lamb tonight. Ciao 4 now!
Thanks to Marleiske
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