Day 49 of our isolation...… we seem to be coping with it well.  Obviously there are things we miss, but we have adapted to life at home, the garden has been a big plus, particularly for the HG who has tasks every day which keeps him busy.  

We have worked out a system whereby we can have visits at social distance if the weather is good, and that makes a difference both to us and to the visitors.  

We have a lane running along the side of our property and lots of people, friends and strangers, pass along and pass the time of day with us, always at the correct distance of course.

Food seems to have become more important than it was, and with more time for preparation, we have been enjoying that aspect of the lockdown.  
I realise that we are some of the lucky ones, first of all we have each other, and we have willing helpers.  Occasionally items are in short supply but not often and only for a few days, flour being one of the things we ran out of.  But no matter......

However, all of that said, it will be nice when life returns to normal, whatever that is, perhaps a new normal …...

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