Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Roller Waitress

I figure that the American commercial culture which seaped into all corners of the twentieth century globe was at its peak around the dawn of the 1960s. Of particular note was the "drive" culture which manifested itself in such icons as freeways, service stations (with real service), giant highway bill boards, huge fuel guzzling "yank tanks" with throbbing v8 engines and acres of shiny chrome trim. Then of course came the drive-in movies and restaurants. Looking back, all of it was perfectly larger than life and eternally wonderful ... boundless innovation, limitless prosperity and unending optimism.

Part and parcel of the above seemed to be the waitresses on roller skates. I can't say for sure that they ever REALLY existed but the American movies and television shows of the period SAID that they did. Oh heck. If they never really were a thing, they OUGHT to have been. Darn it.

I came across this wonderful mannequin sign today. I want to believe that this was an authentic item which really was made in the 1950s. Clearly it's been restored to the nines and I'd like to believe it's worth a lot of money.

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