Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

Storm coming

I spent most of yesterday sanding. Well, 20 minute slots interspersed with breaks to do the washing or have a cup of tea. This is manual sanding, so there is a limit to how much I can do in one go. 

My daughter wasn't feeling great, so I made her scrambled eggs and salmon for lunch. We had a supermarket delivery, then I made wraps for dinner. My son has chicken, and my daughter had quorn nuggets and some roasted cauliflower. I've been sent a lovely looking cauliflower biryani to try - which I'm looking forward to.

In the afternoon,  a storm came in. This is the poplar trees over the road, whose height was curtailed a few years ago. They are still almost the height of a two storey house.

Later on my friends and I got together on zoom for a chat; with three of them in teaching, and one who had been, it was mostly around the challenges of schools at the moment. One has just managed to finish sorting out the free school meals vouchers. It has taken 3 weeks to manage to speak with all the relevant parents and get the list in. They are all worried about the schools starting back, and how they would manage to keep social distancing (impossible).

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