Day 43 Scissor happy
Saturday today and the first Saturday for about 6 weeks that Chris didn't go to work. They've stopped paying overtime now so he managed to get a full weekend off.
I did the usual exercise on the bike (inside) and faffing on the phone in the morning as well as finishing the knitting that I started just over a week ago. I just need to find or borrow a darning needle now to sew it all together.
I'd promised Chris a haircut so we then headed into the garden with the recently acquired scissors and clippers. I really enjoyed cutting his hair and I'm quite proud of the results. I know the fringe isn't quite right and it's shorter than we planned but it's ok for an amateur. He likes it and that's the main thing.
Afterwards I popped to Sainsbury's to get a few extras to see us through the week. I was shocked at how few people were covering their faces in any way. I only saw 2 other people. It's almost as though everyone thinks we're through the danger zone and it's safe again. Social distancing was virtually non existent again. I struggled to get eggs and peas. I can understand eggs but not really peas as these have been in short supply for weeks now. I'm wondering if there will be other shortages of fruit and vegetables, fresh and frozen in the weeks to come as farmers are struggling to get pickers.
We went for a shorter walk just before tea as we both seemed tired.
In the news, official figures are: 3.3 million infections and 240,000 deaths worldwide with 28,131 official deaths in the UK. The figure rose by 621 today which was down on the previous day but still far too many. Doctors are now reporting on 5 different types of rashes caused by Covid 19. Each one is not present in each person but they seem to be restricted to different age groups.
The government announced £76 million funding to help vulnerable people.
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