
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

You'll be glad to hear that Caro is recovering well. She spent the day in full relaxation-mode, watching lots of tv. She tells me that she still feels stabbing pains, but for the most part it is bearable and she seems in very good spirits. 

Obviously, I'm doing my best to take care of her and picking up all the tasks that normally fall into the category of "Caro Chores". Amongst these is Punky bathtime.

It is not what you think. As a cat, he has always been obsessed with baths. In fact, the very first picture we ever saw of him on the adoption website, was of Punky rolling about in an empty bath. 

We haven't had a big bath since the flat in Leith, but as soon as he saw the bath in our new place, he knew what it was right away. He gets so excited when he sees anyone in the vicinity. He jumps straight in there, and waits. 

What you have to do then is to pour water down the plughole, while he purrs. Why he finds this so entertaining, we have never been able to figure out, but he LOVES it. Sometimes he drinks the water as you pour it, someones not. 

And you have to pour it. If it comes out of the tap, it doesn't count. 

It can be kind of annoying if you are just passing the bathroom on the way to somewhere else. Say, a wee, for example. It's hard to ignore a happy little cat, waggling his tail at you, looking very expectant.

This is a game he learned as a kitten, we think. His previous parents used to play in the bath with him too. We know this, because it was the very last thing they did with him before they gave him to us. They took him to the bathroom, with tears streaming down their faces saying, "One last time..." 

As you know, we're planning to get a new bathroom as soon as the world opens up again. Caro originally had no plans for a bath in said bathroom. But now I think we have to have one. For a cat who doesn't bathe, just watches water as it pours away.


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