Finally the wait is over and the trillium have arrived! Now to keep my walks exciting, I will be looking for the purple/red trillium. I found one pink one today. Oh the things we get so excited for now ;)
I think I already said before how the Trillium are abundant at the dog park...which has been closed. An area across the creek from the off-leash dog park is still open so many people have been taking their dogs there for a walk - unleashed. That does not bother me at all, as I totally get it. However, today I came around a corner and first saw the three dogs in extras - then then 5 more dogs and 8 men sitting together chatting. Hmmm.....that was the whole point behind closing the off-leash area? Oh well, easy enough for me to avoid.
Sunshine this morning and a rainy evening. Not so bad at all. Hope yours was good!
D x
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