Not The Mississippi ...

........ just the River Brue with the Tor behind, taken on our bike ride this morning, but looking good with the blue sky and fluffy clouds. We'd had to drop off some items we'd bought for our friends, Tony & Rosie who are shielding, which they needed but hadn't been able to have delivered.

Earlier we'd enjoyed our Saturday not-the-Park-Run run. It's two years ago today that the first Street Park Run was held, so a shame they weren't able to hold one to mark the occasion, though hopefully they'll do so once normal service is resumed.

Tess finished tidying the study (aka Sophie's bedroom when she sleeps over) this afternoon. Looking very smart now. I was reorganising the loft to accommodate the toys she's grown out of but are worth holding on to"just in case"!

Today's trip down my vinyl memory lane reached the first of the Cs, JJ Cale's "Grasshopper". Here's a link to a typical Cale track from the LP, Mississippi River:

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