40 days in lock down. Even Noah was only on his ark for 40 days & nights and he had company!! Anyway it was a beautiful sunny day so Ann said, 'Trixie, shall we go on a big long walk today?'  So off we went to see Ann's friend, Kay & her dad. They have a lovely garden which we can get into without going into the house and then the humans can sit 2m apart and have a chat. Is there anything wrong with that?

The only trouble is...................... I'm only 17 months old and I haven't quite got this social distancing thing yet. I was allowed off my lead to have a run about in the garden but Kay & Fred are two of my favourite people so obviously I wanted them to make a fuss of me. They didn't mind. They were more than happy to tell me what a gorgeous little collie pup I am.

I liked it in Kays garden because I found a lot of sticks to chew. Ann thought that by now I might have out grown this silly puppy habit I have of chewing sticks MollyCollie never used to chew sticks! But I haven't. And then guess what happened?.................. I could hear the neighbours dog playing with a squeaky toy. Squeaky toys are my most favourite toys ever, so do you know what Kay did?................... she went into her garage and got me a squeaky ball to play with. How nice was that?

It took us about an hour and 20 mins to walk to Kays house. A lot of the walk is along the cycle paths. I usually have to stay on my lead on the cycle path but today it was like having a walk on the M1 motorway. Not that we've ever done that obv. Seriously, it was like the whole of Edinburgh were out on their bikes. And the annoying thing about cyclists is; that they never bother to ring their bells to warn walkers that they are approaching from behind. Grrrrrrrr................. They were all zooming past us at about 100mph slight exaggeration obv and were definitely nowhere near 2m away from us. It was very, very, annoying.

On the return route we walked through the centre of town because Ann thought that it would be less busy than the cycle path. She was right. It's a slightly longer route but lets face it; it's not like we had anything else to do. (See photo of Prince's Street in extras.)

And Ann is feeling very happy today because she's had a chat with other humans in real life. Thank you Kay & Fred.

PS – Because I had such a long walk I was pretty tired but Ann thought I might want to go to the toilet so I've just been out to the local shop for another little walk. Ann only wanted bread and magazines but the minute the shop keeper saw her he went to the fridge and got her a bottle of Pinot?!!! Oh dear! It's a bit worrying when the local shopkeepers know what her favourite bottle of wine is??!! And the thing is; now that she shops for Mrs R every week at Aldi, that's where she buys her wine. But to be honest, one can never have too much wine and it's good to support small businesses. And it's lovely to have a little shop to go into without having to queue. So she bought two bottles of wine. And somehow a shop which should have cost about £4 morphed into £15.92??!! But hey ho. #itsthelittlethings

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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