A place in time

By Verbosa

Cathedral by dusk

Once again, Mr A and I took our daily walk up and around the cathedral.  We set off quite late tonight, so it seemed sensible to go along roads and footpaths to the cathedral rather than head towards any wooded areas. 

This route, which is affectionately becoming known as "the usual route" is about 2.5 miles in distance and usually takes us around 45-50 minutes, so you can see we toddle quite sedately.

However, we are starting to notice bit by bit more traffic on the roads each day, although there are still very few people out walking.

Line dancing was by "remote" class via Dropbox today.  It's not as good as actually going along to classes in the Mytchett community centre, but it's great to keep dancing. albeit somewhat squashed up in the space I can make available in the kitchen!

Thought for the day:

"Over time, as the daily routines become second nature, discipline morphs into habit."  (Twyla Tharp)

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