A place in time

By Verbosa


Well, I'm back on the straight and narrow.  I'm returning to my beloved Low-GL (glycemic load) way of eating to improve my health and hopefully shed a few excess pounds.

Of course, it's self-inflicted - the excess pounds, that is - as I've allowed myself to eat things that I know are on the naughty list and look where it's got me :(

In 2009, I was feeling terribly plump (for me, but merely towards the top of the recommended ideal weight band for my height ) and generally out of sorts, when I came across Patrick Holford Low-GL way of eating.  I went along to one of his seminars...and that was it...I was hooked.  Finally I had discovered the science behind why I was putting on weight, whilst thinking that I was eating healthily.  Then I was lucky enough to get enrolled on a Zest4Life six week course and I was off...

I lost about a stone in those six weeks, then went on to lose almost a further stone (24lbs in all or 11kg all told), feeling more cheerful and healthier by the week.  Chuffed, was I chuffed, or what?  And I felt better than ever and it was all so very simple.  Hey - I even made it to the Zest4Life website as one of their "success stories".

So, you can see why I've got no excuses for adding a few pounds in the last 18 months.  But I'm back...watch this space!

Thought for the day:

"Eating a Low-GL diet, the measure of the effect that a food has on your blood sugar, is the best way to both control and reverse type 2 diabetes, lose weight and lower glycosylated hemoglobin."  (Patrick Holford)

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