Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Wednesday — Biopsy Report

Here’s the message that Mr. Fun sent to a few friends today, Wednesday 4/29/2020 about 4:00 p.m. —
My doctor (a urologist) just called to tell me the results of my prostate biopsy. I do have cancer in my prostate. I am probably looking at surgery; they will be contacting me regarding that. Thanks for your prayers.

Then later I sent this message to friends: The doctor did not say what “stage” the cancer is. The doctor did tell Mr. Fun that there is 0% chance of cancer being in the bone and 5% chance of cancer being in the lymph nodes. The appointment was by phone and a bit difficult to communicate (lots of static and breaking-up).

Next step is to talk with the specialist who will phone us by this Friday. That’s all we know. It does not help for Mr.Fun to hear that he will die of old age before he’ll die of prostate cancer. It does help to know that friends are praying specifically for him to get the next phone call regarding what happens now; and to know that friends are praying specifically that the cancer does not grow. Thanks!

On a happier note, today we started the month long celebration of our marriage. May 29th will be our 55th anniversary!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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