
We found out yesterday our kitchen remodel could move forward.  It had been stopped when the stay at home order went in place.  All construction was stopped, the state of Washington has now reopened construction that was started before the closure.  There are very strict safety protocols in place due to Covid-19.  One of the suppliers they used is not reopening since the shut down, so we had to scramble yesterday and today to find a new countertop selection.  The demolition starts early Monday morning, so the weekend will be spent packing up the kitchen and setting up a makeshift kitchen downstairs in the family room.  We are lucky that we live in a two story house and offices/bedrooms and a family room are downstairs.  It will be very easy to have the social distancing required.   I may be  bit slow getting to journals and responses for the new couple of days, but thank you for all your kind comments, stars and hearts that you are all so generous with.

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