Inside the terrarium

Spent more time today getting to grips with PhotoShop but progress is slow. Need a break for a couple of days.

Blip is more of an emergency today. The Terrarium is thriving at the moment.

The extra is the image I used to create yesterday’s Blip.

Got an update from the Foodbank I was volunteering with before the virus struck.

The Blog can be followed from here.

The headlines make grim reading.

81% increase in emergency food parcels across the UK.

134% increase in emergency food parcels in Lambeth alone over the last 4 weeks. This equates to over 350 parcels per week in just one borough.

1.8 million people have applied for Universal Credit over the last four weeks.

And the best news of the day is that the Government has met their target of 100k tests per day. What a joke. They have posted the testing kits out but they should be counting how many have been analysed. Our country is becoming a laughing stock.

Rant over. Tomorrow is our 50th day in self isolation. Stay safe everyone and hopefully we will all survive the medical and economic aspects of this disaster.

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