CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Topsy-Turvy Doll

A dull day with showers

A busier day with working on the Encouragement email, Zoom Coffee 'n Chat and a Conference Call with Listening Service Group Support. It was good, in the Support Group, to share my experiences of Telephone Appointments with others who had not yet started - some had been apprehensive but I had been able to set their minds at ease.

Later, we went on our walk, exploring a path that came out ... well, we weren't sure until we got there. All in, we walked 2.8 miles in a rough circle. For the first time since Lockdown started, we had rain but not too heavy.

My wife has been knitting this topsy-turvy doll, Anna and Elsa from the movie Frozen. In case you don't know what a topsy-turvy doll is - you turn the dress from the one over it's head and the other doll appears. My wife is very clever. She is going to give it, and any others she makes, to the Children's Hospice where my daughter works - I am sure the children will love them.

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