A place in time

By Verbosa


Well, it was a reward of sorts.  Not sure how I can justify the reward, other than it being Tuesday and Mr A and I had done our "permitted exercise" walk for the day, which turned out to be our furthest yet at three miles...oh, and the fact that we are all still well.  Also, it was one of Mr A's homemade apple wines and tasted sublime :)

Anyway, along the way, we met a beautiful little kitty (in my heart, I think she was called Layla...but of course I actually have no idea!  Don't you attribute names to animals you meet on the streets, depending on how they look?  No?  Is it just me then?) - see extra photo.

We also passed by the Surrey Sports Park and have never seen the car park empty (bar the one car).  Normally, the front car park would be heaving at any time of the day, with the other main car park almost equally full.

Thankfully, everyone we passed on the way was very good at keeping the required 2m (plus) distance.  Certainly, the roads were gratifyingly quiet when we took the footbridge across the A3 around rush-hour.  If this continues, perhaps we can contain this virus? 

Thought for the day:

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.  We are the ones we've been waiting for.  We are the change that we seek."  (Barack Obama)

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