Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Lockdown sonnet

I came across some of my daughter‘s poetry books and started rereading them. I thought, in a quiet moment, it might be a good idea to try writing a sonnet about our current situation with the Shakespearean rhyme scheme and metre. This is what I wrote:

I sat locked down alone, no comfort found
Listening for signs of life, an engine throb
A car door slam or other welcome sound
A glass upon the counter, a kettle on the hob.

I saw no life, no movement caught my eye
This troubled world seemed weary, tired, forlorn
And I let out a long lamenting sigh
That from these embers life might be reborn

When through the pane a distant bird I saw
And heard its song, its bold and vibrant call
That awoke my senses, called on me to draw
some hope, some future vision to recall

That even when there’s yet no seeming cure
Wonderous nature, creation will endure.

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