
#3 daughter had told Ella and. Nathaniel that they were not allowed to go into each other’s rooms at bedtime as they had been messing about together too much. So this was their answer when she went to check on them.

The daughters are agreeing to humour me and we are having a family quiz tomorrow night. I doubt the men are too keen. Mr C isn’t doing anything about thinking of questions for his round. He will be using EAnn’s.

I worked mine out when we had a walk this morning. 6.5 miles, 16,000 steps. Over to the Alnwick road, Debdon, Primrose Cottage (no primroses but we heard a cuckoo), Rickety Gate, Blue Mill and the mood. I was tired - woke at 4.20 am and couldn’t get back to sleep, and my knees are sore from the biking. A lot more cars on the road part of the walk than a couple of weeks ago.

Still no rain.

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