
By TBay

Clapping for the NHS.

It’s Thursday and its 8pm, and yes its time to clap! As always we came together to shot clap and bang pans in support of the brave NHS staff on the frontline in the Corona Virus battle. This time Harry insisted on helping and with the aid of his Maracas much to the delight of us all! It’s a great way to pay tribute to the wonderful staff. 

A day of more domestic jobs for me including cleaning silver, a job always the last to get done! However it looks lovely when it is all done. Mr Tbay had a very late night last night so was somewhat jaded!

 Last evening we held the third ‘dinner party’ with Miss Tbay and Miss S . We have a pair over each week and do the whole works! Last night was King Prawns in garlic, ginger, chilli and lime on a round of crisp toast. We then had roast Pheasant with parsnip crisps, breadcrumbs, broccoli and roast  potatoes. this was all finished off with a strawberry shortcake and cheese. Oh and I nearly forgot a liberal helping of port too! In case anyone is thinking we are breaking the isolation rules it’s Ok as well are all self isolating together which means we can do this. 

I cannot believe that we are in  the last day of April already. We are in our sixth week of isolation too. What a strange world we live in. In someways little has changed for us as our farm work continues and this place consumes a great deal of time just keeping it up together. I also had a huge backlog of jobs that needed to be done and I am ploughing through these bit by bit. 

The good news is that these seems to be a peak that had been hit so hopefully we will start to see a reduction in the number of cases and deaths in the coming weeks. But I fear life will never quite be the same again after this..........

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