
By SpotsOfTime

Evening walk

This is a new view for me from a footpath out of the village that I’ve never taken before because it leads to a road that used to be quite fast and busy in the olden days, BC.

As the day progressed I drifted into stupefaction getting cold to the bone and rigidly welded to the laptop and phone, in spite of getting up intermittently to refresh my hot water bottle, do a few star jumps and run up and down the exercise yard. It has been reassuring to compare notes with colleagues remotely scattered and learn that they are feeling similarly drained and exhausted just feet from their sofas.

I can feel the weight going on as I snack to get through the day and when I finished I forced myself from gazing blankly into the middle distance to get out after a rain shower. This walk was just the job, a new view of the village, fields with long views of both the Pennine and Lakeland fells and lots of lambs.

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