30042020 48th Corona isolation day

Happy Vappu everyone!

"Vappu (May Day) is a celebration that has developed from its pagan origin as a spring celebration into a nation-wide urban carnival in Finland. Worldwide, May 1st is celebrated as an international working class holiday. In Finland, vappu is based on similar working-class traditions, transforming into a spring celebration for university students and workers alike." (Copied from Finland Today)

I don't have much celebratory feeling. We just heard what our "able to go out from Saturday" means. It's bullshit. Perhaps it's needed in big cities and this does not apply to places less than 5000 people, but it applies to us even when we live 1km away from huge nature reserve.

So we are able to go out once a day for 1 hour keeping at 1km from our house. We have time slots.
6-10  adults
10-12  70+ aged
12-19  kids
19-20  70+ aged
20-23 adults

I am too tired after 18 so I can't do any sports after that. And now I have to wake up with an alarm clock to have time to eat breakfast, take the dogs out and be back before 10. The dogs can't wait after the night long for their businesses.

Don't get me wrong I'll take any activity out. My husband is very disappointed as he thought he could go out to cycle. Well, he can, but he needs to be 1km from our house all the time. Some even say that you can't do more than 1km / day. I can't believe that would be so. That's not even an exercise. After 7 weeks house arrest people need to have do some training or it will show in the general health of the nation.

I've been to the hospital now two days in a row. What's more risky, visiting a place with sick people or going alone to the nature?

So yes, I visited the hospital again today and got the monitor off. My skin was so itchy, so it felt good to get it off. then I got the ultrasound of my heart. My heart looked okay I was told. I need to go back again on 12th and then I'll get the results.

I drove through 3 police barricades on my way to hospital and back. Luckily 2 were checking people to other direction than mine. When I got back to our town I also got inspected. I only had to snow the document from the hospital and I was let go through. They didn't even check my trunk. (They do that too if they suspect someone is smuggling someone in the trunk. Only one person is allowed in car unless there's special circumstances.)

In the picture one of my succulents again. It's getting more violet color and there's still some buds unopened.

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