
I don’t think regular readers will be surprised to hear that I can’t stand Bozo the Clown.

I know he’s been seriously ill and everything, but that was entirely of his own breezy, arrogant, shaking hands with sick people with no precautions, making - so while I don’t wish bad things to happen to him, that doesn’t give him a free pass for the half-arsed nonsense he has presided over resulting in thousands of avoidable deaths.

I’m also irritated by the ‘touch and go’ whether he survived narrative. I have no special insight here, but it doesn’t fit with the known facts (two days in ICU and never on a ventilator) and has the ring of a Boris embellishment because it makes a better story.

The main issue I have though is that he has demonstrated he is unfit for any serious responsibility several times, but keeps on muscling his way into jobs that he has no right occupying. I know that means I’m angry with the morons who keep voting for him, but at some point it is on him to accept his limitations and focus on a career in light comedy.

Instead we get him delivering his Poundshop Churchill impression speaking in painfully slow, staccato sentences, banging on about invisible muggers to be wrestled to the ground like a 3rd rate after dinner speaker who spent too long at the free bar.

I could even tolerate that through gritted teeth if he hadn’t tried to pass off our eugenics based, keystone cops delivered response to the pandemic, which sees us on track to have the highest per capita death rate in the world (even beating the bleach promoting lunatic in the White House) as an ‘apparent success’.

Un-effing- believable.

The man is a dead eyed sociopath - and I may have to withdraw my earlier remark about not wishing anything bad to happen to him.

I wish that he would slather himself in honey, walk into the bear enclosure at a nearby zoo, and see how far his spirit of breezy optimism carries him through that.

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