
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I did not take this picture. Caro texted it to me after her op. She proudly announced that she is self-medicating and LOVING it. 

And if she is watching The Simpsons (which she hates) then the drugs must be GOOOOOOD.

So she has had an ovary and a cyst removed and once she recovers from the op, I'm sure she will feel SOOOO much better. This all relates to a condition she's had (and has been complaining about) for years. It's such a shame she's had to suffer in silence all this time. I can't imagine how much better she will feel now. 

As for me, it has felt weirder than usual not to have her here. This is only natural after 6 weeks in our quarantine bubble. Still, I've had the cats for company, and we had fun chat with Loulou on the drive this morning.

Loulou is just lovely and offered to drive Caro to hospital you see. Even though this was at 6.30am today. So she chatted away happily, I think she was pleased to have someone other than Tiger to talk with for a change. Loulou is in IT too, but is looking for a career change so is studying naturopathy. 

This means lots of medical manuals have been arriving in the house. "And I LOVE them," said Loulou with great enthusiasm. "I'm not so much into skin and muscle but I LOVE intestines! And brains!"

She sounded like a particularly well-educated zombie.

"Poor Tiger," she went on. "I keep showing him the pictures and it freaks him out. I showed him a de-gloved penis the other day and he nearly passed out."

As someone who didn't know you COULD de-glove a penis, I'm with Tiger on this one. 

We got to talking about Young People and Technology. This was after Loulou said she had told a young person about the time "before email was invented" and blew his mind. Then they told him about faxes and he was HORRIFIED.

"Mind you, I remember my granny sent a fax once and she was so careful and lovely about it. She wrote that she was being very careful with her handwriting so that the machine would understand it. Then she added that it probably came out typed at my end."

Naturally, we got talking about covid. I mentioned how hard social distancing appears to be on all the extroverts who are sounding a little bonkers on conference calls these days.

"It's karma," said Loulou. "For when they forced effing open-plan offices on us introverts and told us to deal with it."

She makes a good point.

I also speculated that covid might kill off some of the more annoying social norms we get forced into - like the "high-five" and the "fist-bump".

"And the hand-shake," agreed Loulou. "I've really turned against the hand-shake after I read an article said that every hand you shake has likely had recent contact with a penis."

She let that sink in.

"Really. Every hand has recent penis memory," she reiterated. "The psychic imprint of a penis. On a hand."

All right, all right Loulou. No need to labour the point. Thank god we have gallons of hand sanitiser in the house.
All of this chat did the job and distracted us from dropping Caro off for her op. It was weird. We had to leave her at the front door and then back away when the door was opened by a nurse, holding a big bottle of sanitiser. 

Loulou drove me back to Paraparaumu and said she'd pick me up again at 9am tomorrow if - all being well - Caro is to be discharged. I have to say, I'm looking forward to it. Mainly because I want Caro back but also to indulge in more psychic penis chat.


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