Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

OAPs in the ROK

More old folk today.
Here a street vendor selling a small selection of vegetables tries to keep warm and make ends meet.

Although I don't head out with the intention of finding sombre shots of Korea's struggling old folk, in a way it's inevitable.
Because of worryingly low birth rates, Korea is a rapidly ageing population, and as I explore the city looking for good blips, old people are everywhere.
In a society where everyone is in a permanent state of hurry, these older folks are often the only interesting subject to be found.

I do also look hard for good buildings to snap, but architecturally Korea looks like someone gave a blind hyperactive kid a box of white lego blocks, then told him to knock himself out.
Here's a view of my hometwown city of Gwangju, the quirky World Cup Stadium the only respite from the right angles.

A brief article here explores Korea's incredibly low birth rate - the cost of the huge amounts of private education most Korean parents see as essential seen as one of the causes.

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