
By stujphoto

Why do it on the beach ?

Today was totally overcast with a monotone grey sky which might have been great for macro shots of flowers but, of course, at dead of winter there is scarcely a patch of saturated colour to be seen. However, what is this I espy on the beach a freshly sawn trunk of a tree. Now that's got a bit of colour (albeit man-made). It's got texture, circles and wiggly lines and even a sharp jagged edge indicating its been cut from two directions. Well maybe that's worth having a crack at.

Obviously the tree trunk has been washed up by the tide and whoever cut it did so 'in situ' as there is a pile of sawdust around. I am not sure whether they used a chain saw. Despite its diameter which is at least two foot six inches, you can see the tell tale marks of a hand saw. You have to be pretty desperate for timber ( to burn ? ) to cut up a tree trunk like that on a deserted beach. I certainly cannot see how they could have moved it to cut it from two directions as it weighs a ton. I am left somewhat puzzled but pleased that have got my blip. Any ideas why someone might be that desperate ?

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