Lazyness and Chaos

I went to visit Dad today.
I needn't have bothered ......sleep was getting the better of him.

As I left to walk back to the car and SWMBO I saw the daffodils swaying in the breeze and had to snap them.
I liked the ddepth of focus in this one.

The flowers looked a lot nice than the graffitti a few feet away.

Once again when I was sitting in the car waiting on SWMBO I was amazed at the level of lazyness of some drivers these days.
They will dump their cars anywhere so long as they are near to the door as they can get.

I was forced to leave a note on the windscreen of one car that a family of pond scum abandoned in the only available disabled space.
They wee not happy at having it pointout that lazyness did not qualify as a disability

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