
Beautiful blossom tree on our dog walk this evening.

Another so so day. Rain is affecting our moods. Had an eventful time moving the horses to a different area so their fields could be harrowed today. Issues mostly caused by the feral mare that behaves like a stallion guarding my boys. But it was worth it as the fields look great and are much safer as they were so rutted where they'd dried out too quickly after the boggy winter. Last thing I need is lame horses and vet bills at the moment.

Spent the morning chasing outstanding payments from customers. Fortunately our payment for the furloughed staff came through today so that's a big relief.

Schooling went a bit better today. Tobes has been a lot more enthusiastic. We had to uninstall Skype from his laptop to get there but we'll put it back on now. He agrees that he needs to put it on 'do not disturb' till he's done his school work as he's getting really distracted by it, then getting stressed he can't get everything done. He's not being set that much by his teacher it's just he's been wasting a lot of time.

Watched blue planet with the kids this arvo. It was the one where the whale carries around her dead baby for days. It broke my heart. They think it was poisoned by all the plastic in its mother's milk. I will remember that when I am tempted to buy anything made of plastic. I already make a real effort not to use as much plastic with milk deliveries in glass bottles, refillable cleaning products, shampoo bars, bamboo toothbrushes etc but it's hard to get away from it totally.

I went back to the yard early and managed to get the school to myself to lunge Jack. Then relieved I managed to catch Buddy and Lime ok and bring them off the rich grass. They'd had a fab day filling their bellies!!

Fun walk with the pups to round off the day. Playing lots of hide and seek games with Nell. She really is amazing. And flora makes me laugh so much as she just chases round after Nell. She doesn't have a clue about looking for balls!!

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