Would be woodcutter?
Found a fallen tree across our path today . In the photo
Dave is eyeing it up and wondering! What if I .....
Last week , another day and another fallen tree saw Dave with his various wood saws trying to chop a piece off to make a chopping block, of the perfect height ,on which to chop his logs . A lot of effort went in but he returned home empty handed.
Someone has already had a go at this tree trunk , I wonder if they will be back. Will look again tomorrow.
Our golden moment was a rerun of the story of the Busy Spider with Arthur , this time with a couple of puppets to help our ( very amateurish ). We kept his interest for long enough to sing some silly songs too. It gave our daughter long enough to make some lunch .
Apart from that I seem to get very little done with my days, just glide from one to the next . I’ve run on adrenaline for so long not sure what happens next , Strange times all round .
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