Eyes That Glow like Fire

Google  tells me this is  a Firebug (Pyrrhocis apteru) and who am I to take issue with  Dr G . Seen this morning whilst sitting on a wall .May seem a habit but each day check on the crows for .if one fell out would do my best ..Mind you not likely with such a fall .
Macro is not my speciality but today this firebug came to check the area out and here's the result .To another Firebug it's a stunner - The red eyes fascinate me .Like two very tiny rubies .Plus red and black are my two favourite colours..
note ) No entry in any shop minus a mask and have to say it's fun seeing the diversity of beautiful home made masks .Very few are wearing the Chinese imports ( most of which were found to be defective ) I refer to many imported to Germany . Oh to be a Firebug ..

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