Mount Pond: Mallaunch
Finer spray and ripplier reflections in large.
Incoming & Touchdown
Take-off (before blip pic.)
Duck flapping dry
Splashing: bright and dark
Final flap: down and up
Ugh, I need to take fewer photos... One day I'll reform.
My mother and I went to see the Cayuga en route to Clapham town; we only caught a glimpse of it on the mount (boo), but at least the sun was out and the mallards were ducking about... There was a gang of single drakes swaggering about, quacking a lot, and being generally very bolshy which was amusing.
I worked on my shutter timing (e.g. trying to catch up and down beats in flight and flapping), so ended up with several series, and uploaded a whole bunch to Flickr.
Others here (or right from Bird signs)
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