Woo-hoo ......

......... shake those feathers, shake those tail feathers yea yea yea ..... shake 'em, shake 'em .......

Hold on, I heard a click - and another ....... jeez, are you a Peeping Thomasina or what? I just wanted to freshen up after all that snow and ice and here you are intruding on my ablutions .......... I know you provide the bathtub for us but I'm sure that doesn't give you the right to WATCH!!!
Puh-leeease I'm trying to take a relaxing bath here.

Now look me in the eye, go on, look - LOOK ...... take that one last shot and just go and do with it what you will and leave me in peace to splish splash splosh ......

Two seconds after I took the third shot in the sequence, as I backed away from the window, I tripped and fell into the dog's bed - no pain, no hurt, no damage and very luckily Shadow was upstairs!!!

(For Draco - EXIF on all three shots: f/5.6, 1/25", 300mm, ISO 1250) >smile<

Thank you for all the comments and stars on the prickly ice thorns yesterday - always appreciated.

~ Anni ~

14/52 in my personal birdie challange 2013

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