
Swynogl ~ Amulet

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Mae Nor'dzin wedi bod yn gwneud fideos i dangos pobol sut i wneud swynoglau Tibet.  Heddiw dilynais i ei chyfarwyddiadau a gwnes i un fy hun.  Cymerodd tua dwy awr i wneud. Rydw i'n meddwl fy mod i'n gallu mynd yn gyflymach pan fydda i'n  dod i arfer â'r broses.  Os dych chi eisiau trio eich hunain, mae'r cyfarwyddiadau ar-lein mewn tri fideo: un, dau, tri.

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Nor'dzin has been making videos to show people how to make Tibetan amulets. Today I followed her instructions and made one myself. It took about two hours to make. I think I can go faster when I get used to the process. If you want to try it yourself, the instructions are online in three videos: one, two, three.

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