
By Houseonahill6

Bird among the flowers

It’s that time of year again when the Chiffchaffs and Willow warblers arrive to confuse me. It would be easier if it actually sang in front of me but the seldom do.I’ve definitely heard the Chiffchaff daily and probably the Willow warbler too. The other difficult to id bird is the Meadow pipit , I assume the ones in the field ( there’s a lot) are meadow rather than tree pipit but I’m still unsure but the BTO has some good workshops so will have to look at them again :)
An easier bird was the redpoll , just a very brief visit but hopefully it will be back.
Buzzards flew over head mobbed by the crows again.
The blossom on the cherry tree is nearly out just as the plum tree is finishing. I’ve been watching the bluetits peck at the blossom.
Mike went to the allotment and finished the last two strips , I would really like to pop down there to lead a hand and start planting.
I planted some basil at home.The sweetcorn is up, no sign of the carrots yet.
Simpson’s garden centre have started to deliver to Fortrose so I’ve ordered some more compost and some bluebells seeing as I can not go out and see them this year. I’m hoping the ones on the hill will be out, it’s just a few steps from the front door.
There were at least three dolphins hunting off the Point .
A few showers during the day but mainly sunny , hail storm in the evening.
Oh my goodness , nearly forgot, we had fish finger sandwiches at lunchtime, they were sooo good :)

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