
By Smallstones

COVID-19 Project

Day #feels like forever for our "Safer at Home" order here in Wisconsin. We are now entering month two with the newest order in effect until May 26th. Today the fireworks for July 3rd (huge tradition on the Milwaukee lakefront) as well as all 4th of July activities are cancelled. I have to say I am really struggling today with not being able to be with my grandkids. Virtual visits just don't compare to a real live visit. House is super clean and organized; rain is predicted for much of the week. I don't do well with idle time so I decided to start a beautiful red shawl to work on in the evening when I return home from work. It will forever be a reminder of our time spent safe at home. Finished picture is promised upon completion.

Stay home, stay safe and be well. Looking forward to our freedom to move about once again.

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