horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Getting the Harvest In

So a little while ago I broke my camera. A small piece of an SD card broke off and got stuck. In trying to free it I managed to damage the slot, and was just getting an error message. I thought I'd be able to ride it out by buying an (expensive) XQD card for the other slot. That arrived yesterday and.... Despite registering the XQD card, the error in the SD slot simply over-rode everything. So the camera is going to be picked up tomorrow to head off to Fixation to be sorted (I've used them before and the service was cracking).

Now. My 'things', those little pastimes that get me feeling good are, in the main, cycling (in theory I can go out, but Mel has a worry about the speeds people are driving at on emptier roads, so I'm sticking to the turbo); photography, and most specifically wildlife photography (which I now can't do due to the broken camera); and drawing (thank god I can still do that).

Then I remembered that an age ago I bought a little collection of clip on lenses for the phone camera. One of which is a macro lens. Which means I can carry on my lockdown garden wildlife survey. 

This Harvestman brought me up to 49 species. From the arachnid family, but not a spider, they're weird things that I don't particularly like. While I can find spiders fascinating (just don't ask me to touch them); Harvestmen give me the willies for some reason.

But. Still photographing wildlife, so in the main positive. Which is needed - Mel and I both had a bit of a bad end to the day where everything just got too much. Primarily caused by the eejit neighbour having a BBQ, at which were, by my reckoning, people from at least two other households, and possibly three. This after Mel overheard a Zoom call taking place in the garden earlier where the lady of the house was explaining she's looking after an aunt and uncle who are having to isolate in their home because they are in the vulnerable group, and there being a sign on the fence at the front about protecting the NHS, and a rainbow in the window. 

Loo roll and flour may be in short supply, but there's bucketloads of hypocrisy out there.

One of the attendees is a painter and decorator (he turned up in his work van....) who is apparently still working, and so in and out of houses; and the daughter of the chap next door spends week on / week off between him and the kid's mother. So the number of different ways the virus could make its way in just grows. 

I'm not going to shop them (even after the week before when we also had a couple of tennis balls come over into the garden from them playing that I wasn't going to go picking up....); and the sister popping by every Sunday for a few hours, simply because the police probably have enough to be doing; and really if they spread it amongst themselves that's their lookout. But there's still that chance someone in the group spreads it outside that gathering, if someone has it, and that just reeks of selfishness...

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