
Lockdown birthday went well for Miss Eve. There was a lot of fun, 3 treat meals chosen by the birthday girl (I’m so full) and lots of kindness from friends and family. She waivers each year between enjoying the attention and enduring it - this year was more on the endurance side! Lockdown really suited her in that respect. I recognise this as how I could/can be.

8 will be remembered as the birthday of the dead panda because I iced a cake late last night and we woke to find that black fondant had melted into mascarpone frosting and created a traumatised panda. I removed the mess and we worked with what we had - ombré is surprisingly straightforward but a little faffy.

Love this girl and her brothers and they are, of course, today’s gratefuls. Particular highlights were make believe games on our walk, waking up with Eve and Zeke, Zeke’s delight at his magazine gift from N and G and Isaac being thoroughly drunk on life at bedtime. Oh, and Eve remembered Zeke’s rock game from my birthday so threw 8 rocks in the river and loved doing so.

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