Not happy

I'm not too sure what this is: I suspect it might be a juvenile wren? The bright yellow beak suggests a young bird. I'm happy to be corrected on this!

There's a bit of a story here.

It's just as well that I went into the back garden quite early this morning. I was hoping to get some more robin or even wren shots when I heard a muttered fluttering from an odd part of the garden.  A bit of investigation revealed this little chap looking miserable in half an inch of water (see extra.)  

The bucket stands under the drainpipe on my back porch to catch the rain overflow (most of it diverts into the water butt). It is covered, but there is a bit of a gap. One year I had frogs floating in there.

I don't think this little bird had been in there long, thankfully, and given the nasty weather forecast for tomorrow, I'm glad this happened today.  I took the best shot I could with the long lens before gently tipping out the water and leaving on the bucket on its side. I was fairly confident that the bird would hop out while I nipped back inside to switch lenses.

I was surprised to see it still sitting there, so I took a few quick shots before moving the bucket to the flower border. When I checked an hour later, the bird had disappeared.

Life saved. I hope. 

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