Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Just a Blur: Monday Monday

Hey there! Have you heard?
No, but you're going to tell...
She has lost her face!

Imagine getting up one morning and looking in the mirror to see just a terrible blur!

Thank you to Trisharooni for her Mono Monday challenge today of a faceless self-portrait.

Slowly coming out of confinement as from today:
First phase: 27th April after 6 weeks in lockdown, the following changes have been made: crèches (children under 4 years), hairdressers, doctor's surgeries, physiotherapists and osteopaths and garden centres are all allowed to open.  Masks are to be worn by those offering their services and social distancing still has to be respected. Masks are highly advised for those people using these services.  Good luck to the hairdressers trying to cut hair (or even wash it) with their clients wearing masks.   There will be a lot of cut elastics to sweep up on the floor!

The second phase on May 11th depends on this one and how it changes the number of people contracting the still active virus.

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