You ain't seen me, right?
So much time frittered.
"A life without forward momentum is to a considerable extent a life without purpose — or at least the kind of purpose that lifts our spirits and enlivens our steps as we traverse time. Without the momentum and purpose, we flounder. A present without a future is a life that feels less worth living, because it's a life haunted by a shadow of futility.”
That’s rather good, isn’t it? I didn’t write it of course, Damon Linker did. I did clean the bathroom however, before a brief sortie over the way. Niall arrived on his bike; we chatted. As did Jane Linklater, late of Beosetter, then Tam, and finally JM and Terry. Luckily, none of them saw me. Well, apart from young K, but then, I didn’t see him.
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