Deja vu

A day very much the same as the others; a lazy start, time spent in the garden, talking to family via FaceTime (Mum and Dad clearly so happy to be back together :) and the daily trip to the carpark opposite for bike riding. Anya whizzed round excitedly as she is getting more and more confident. Max decided to take a break from his bike and do some jumping instead.
A BBQ for tea a bit later than planned and a very late night after I discovered a supermarket delivery slot free for tomorrow!
The days do seem to merge into one at the moment, other than the few ‘school’ activities for Anya in the week. But it’s back to work for me next week so will be a break from the ‘norm’.

Anya also spent over two hours following an online art class to produce this amazing giraffe painting (extra) We were all surprised by her talent :-)

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