
By Bowen

Red Wing Black Bird

Today I worked at home getting the yard cleaned up, it was time to mow the grass.  Normally I hate yard work, I'd rather be at an archery range shooting however with ranges closed not a lot of other places to be.  The yard does look a heck of a lot better after I mowed and trimmed.  I'm thinking about getting rid of some of my trees just because I hate mowing around them however if I get rid of trees the birds will have less places to hang out in the yard.  There is a dead plum tree that needs to go and I'm considering getting rid of the cherry tree that this bird is actually sitting in, it hangs out weird over the yard.  After cleaning up the yard I just spent sometime hanging out on the porch, the red wing black birds are a recent visitor to the bird feeder.  They seem to be getting comfortable with me in the yard since this one stayed long enough to be photographed.  I never realized that they have little black dots I the yellow.

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