Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Have a Heart!

I finished this off today. At the beginning of lockdown I had a mental list of things I'd like to mess about with in the weeks of enforced staying at home. I've not exactly whizzed on with any of them - the weather has been so good that the garden has had priority. 

Practicing drawing with the sewing machine was on the list, and I decided on the heart when Blip had a challenge to photograph a heart for the NHS. It didn't get done in time, but here it is now.

Apparently I have reached a milestone today, 1500 Blips. I'm amazed that I've come this far, and that's due in no small measure to the great community I've found here. In these strange times while we're spending so much time home alone up here, it really feels like our window on the world. 

Long may it continue! 

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