
Asha came into the bedroom this morning saying 'happy going out day'!! Ha! Grateful that Nate's shoes still fit him! We took the scooters and headed out - fresh air!! Amazing! It seemed all of the families in Ibiza Town had the same idea and were in the Port, it made it quite stressful, but once we'd ducked down the side streets it was much calmer and the kids could whizz along on their scooters. I'm so glad we'll be able to do this daily. 
We came home in time for church, and then a delicious lunch of avocado, poached eggs, hollandaise sauce and topped with spring onions - delicious with some French bread. Later on Asha and I made mini meringues, with blue and red swirls...totally delicious, if only they were healthy!!! We had a community Zoom this afternoon, we're going through Acts together at the moment. Then time for the weekly quiz with Danny's family - much fun and lots generous and liberal marking of answers, ha! And time for church again this evening. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) New appreciation for the great outdoors. 
2) Delicious lunch.
3) A gorgeous video for Asha from Sol, congratulating her on 6 weeks indoors and wishing her a happy day out today. Gorgeous boy. 

And happy anniversary to Mishkid and Sam!! I remember your wedding very fondly!!!

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