My very special boy

I didn't sleep well last night so took a while to get going this morning. Jack didn't want to be caught so I had 20 mins following him round the field till he got bored and went and stood by the gate defeated. It's very important with cheeky ponies to never ever give up!!

I'd planned to ride lime but ended up trimming and thinning his feathers instead. By the time I'd done that it was lunchtime and I knew Mike and Tobes wanted to go out on their bikes so I gave up on the idea of riding. It was nice anyway just to spend some time with my special boy.

Eva came back to the yard this afternoon and we took Jack in the school. It was warm and she was a bit moany and he took advantage of her lack of energy by stopping at every opportunity. At least he had some exercise running away from me round the field this morning!

Edit- Just seen this is my 2920 blip. Not sure how many years that is- 8yrs?! Blimey! I started in 2007 but have obviously missed loads of days!

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