The mind boggles....

... at the Chinese buffet desert selection.

Questions I long to ask

1 What makes Chinese restauranteurs think we like what they serve for desert?

2. Why is it served with such randomness?

3. Does anyone know there are little metal sundae cups, with ice cream already lovingly scooped, hidden in the freezer in the corner ? Has anyone ever eaten one?

4. Is there a video linked to the kitchen so the staff can piss themselves laughing as we ladle the main courses onto our plates in the following order: Chicken satay with peanut butter watered to form a sauce, fried rice, noodles, beef in black bean, prawn stir fry, sweet & sour pork balls, BANANA FRITTER with golden syrup, lemon chicken, crispy duck..

5. Do Golf fish aka tinned peaches constitute a desert when in the same chiller as cucumber, tomato and iceberg lettuce or are they indeed salad?

6 Bournon Biscuits? Bourbon Biscuits? - laying there as if still in their packet - but with no wrapping - one missing - was it staff or a client?

7. Jelly Stiffer than you'd expect, red and green, cubed. Why?

I took both colours of jelly - I don't even like red - for blip purposes only.

8. Lurking in the back ground is not, as you might have thought, toffee apple - but toffee banana - What happened there, did they run out of apples?

9 What do the Chinese have for pudding? I want some of that, please.

10. My fortune cookie:
"You will show great strength in the face of adversity"

What ever happened to those "Confucius, he say..." Jokes ?
Which one was your favourite?

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