Prisoner 24601

By Alfin

Sunday Exposure

I admit to being depressed today as various top level politicians in the U.K. are more or less confirming months more of lockdown.

On a personal basis, financially, this will be catastrophic.

Since the original lockdown was announced it has always been my fear that small businesses such as the one I am employed with would struggle.

There was/is no contingency for this event.

With no money coming in but bills still needing to be paid, you don’t have to be a business guru to work out what happens next.

The collateral damage of the pandemic will be felt for many years to come.

And with the inevitable economic crash, jobs that I’m suitable for will be at a premium.

I fully appreciate that health comes first and I sound selfish but it’s just how I’m seeing things.

Blip is of Dumbarton Rock which I’ve shown before, but this time a wreck of a boat is very much visible in the ‘bay’.

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