
By Colgaize82

Handle with Care

My youngest was exceptionally challenging today. She stretched my patience in all ways possible and I was at points where I wanted to bang my head against a brick wall!

We ended our day very nicely though, with a walk up Latrigg. A bribe (I unashamedly do have to resort to this on occasions!) to get my children to walk to the top was to take our favourite sweets with us & as I looked at this haribo heart, it made me think of how much my youngest daughter needs to be loved and valued. She is of course, by all of us but more often than not, when she’s losing her s*#%t with the world, it’s because she just needs to be reminded that the love is & always will be there.

In short, she needs ‘handling with care’ (as do we all).

I felt a lot of love around me today & this haribo heart was a reminder that it’s okay to allow yourself to both give away those haribo hearts & receive them back in return.

I’m not so sure about the cola bottles though, I think I’m going to keep them in my packet!

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