Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Saturday — FaceTime

We were bathing our pups this morning, out in the garage at the wonderful stainless steel sink we added last winter, when my phone rang with the announcement that our granddaughter Ashly was calling with FaceTime, so we could talk and get to see little RJ.

Mr.Fun was just about finished bathing Mitzi, so I talked with Ash and RJ and showed them Mitzi in the sink and then I traded places with Mr.Fun and he took my phone and I wrapped Mitzi in a towel to dry her. While he talked, I brushed her and towel dried her.

Then I sat down next to Mr.Fun and just enjoyed a wonderful virtual visit with Ash and watched as RJ just crawled about and stood and stepped and played with toys and had considerably more energy than either one of us.

Eventually his little battery wound-down and he started to get fussy and quickly his momma had a bottle ready for him. Then he settled-in to enjoy that and we said our goodbyes.

So it was then Chloe’s turn in the sink for a bath and then I used the blow dryer because Chloe’s fur is so thick. Both pups were thrilled when the entire procedure concluded.

Our afternoon was uneventful. We both got some tasks completed. Mr.Fun hung a long piece of shade cloth on the fence to give our back yard more privacy from the neighbor’s yard.

Meanwhile, I was in the house with the 2 pups and I managed to get every room vacuumed. I used to love vacuuming, not so much anymore. Then late in the afternoon we both had quiet time on the sofa; Mr.Fun napped and so did Mitzi and Chloe.

So evening had started when I moved to the kitchen to begin dinner. I diced celery and onions and had them sizzling in the pan when I looked up and saw a car park out front and realized it was Ashly, Robert, and little RJ. They had come to our town to stop at Ashly’s daddy’s house, and then stopped here. We all wore our masks (except RJ) and kept our 6 feet of distance in the front yard.

This has been a good day even though we are very tired of “sheltering” at home. This is Day 9000 for us! Really it is Day 44 for us.

We get such mixed messages about this isolation — some people think it’s a farce; others, an online friend who is a nurse on the East Coast wrote that she working 6 hours from home at a hospital in Maryland that is overwhelmed with Covid19 patients, so this virus is not a farce to her.

So we are making an effort to “stay safe at home.”

Good night from SoCal,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi

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